




Competitive potential of the enterprise is fundamental in the functioning of the enterprise. It must be considered and analyzed continuously in order to avoid unwanted or unexpected results in the work process. The future direction of development of the enterprise is determined by the degree of development of the components of the competitive potential, so it is important to be examined. Below the competitive potential is meant superiority in the economic activity of the subject of organizational, economic, industrial and management level. Competitive potential includes many of the available natural, material, labor, financial and intangible resources and capabilities of facilities, physical and legal entities to give enterprises the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage over other market participants. The purpose of this article is to build a model of competitive potential of the company and to form a strategy and guidelines for development. For a detailed analysis of competitive potential it can be viewed as a set of elements. The relationship between them could be expressed by displaying a model of interaction between the involved elements. Guidelines for the formation and development of competitive potential can be determined like a based on internal capabilities and resources as well as external ones. Realization and development of competitive potential is realized on the basis of functional strategies. In article is present the algorithm for selecting and building a competitive strategy. The actuality of studying the competitive potential of the enterprise, primarily defines its role in the promotion product quality, development innovative and creative activities, increased scale of social production and increase customer satisfaction.


Key words

Competitive Potential, Elements of Competitive Potential, Competitive Model of Potential, Directions for Development, Competitive Strategy



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