




Nowadays, industrial enterprises innovative development has no alternative without generation, acquisition and new knowledge application. This issue has been realized by the real economy. Over the past decade, in numerous European Union documents was underline that investment in human resources is crucial to Europe's place in the economy based on knowledge. Fundamental prerequisites for development of innovation processes of industrial enterprises are: training of human resources, human resources development and application of their skills, new knowledge creation and its application in practice, transfer of scientific knowledge, transfers application of progressive technologies, financial resources gain for innovative solutions implementation. This has raised the need for lifelong learning and the development of suitable education and training systems. Knowledge economy is based on highly trained human resources, which are the main capital of innovative enterprises. Success in innovation depends on support that has been rendered by innovative employees in the enterprises. Many of the considered as important innovation conditions such as employees commitment, entrepreneurial spirit and leadership, creation of appropriate innovation culture preliminary depend on human resources management philosophy and practices in organizations and especially by their career development.


Key words

Human Resources, Innovation, Industry, Training, Development



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