

Maria Papadima


The paper aims to examine the impact of educational structure on the working conditions of educators in Greece by utilizing qualitative time-series data over the period 1999-2021.  Employing both bivariate tools and the Instrumental Variable Two-Staged Least Squares (IV-2SLS) technique, the study reveals diverse outcomes associated with teachers’ job satisfaction, appraisal at work and attrition risks. Results indicate no direct impact of education spending on teachers’ satisfaction rates, while, on the contrary, it becomes evident that the allocation of government funds to education, enrollment rates in primary and secondary schools, and the wider economic employment situation significantly affect teachers' appraisal value in regard to key education stakeholders. Enrolling more students in secondary schools significantly lowers the chance of teachers leaving their jobs, suggesting stability and possibly greater job satisfaction at this level. Lastly, higher enrollment in tertiary education increases attrition risk, possibly due to alternative opportunities available in the private sector.

Keywords: education; working conditions; job satisfaction; iv-2sls method; education spending; school enrollment; empirical analysis

JEL Codes: A14, I21


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To cite this article: Papadima M. (2024). The effects of educational structure on teachers’ working conditions: empirical evidence from Greece. Entrepreneurship, 12 (1), 65 - 75 https://doi.org/10.37708/ep.swu.v12i1.7