Mokhtar Rabhi
Ahlam Thamri
Mohammed Said Djoual
Rima Affaf Harizi
The present study aims to identify the level of psychological empowerment with its four dimensions: competence, self-determination, impact and meaning and its relationship to achievement motivation among PhD students from the business faculties in Algerian universities. For this purpose, two measures scales were relied upon for each of psychological empowerment and achievement motivation. They were examined on a sample of (307) PhD students. The statistical analysis performed using the Smart PlS4 software revealed a statistically significant correlation between psychological empowerment and achievement motivation. Based on these findings, the study concluded with recommendations, the most important of which is to rely on psychological empowerment as an effective strategic instrument for increasing PhD students' achievement motivation.
Keywords: psychological empowerment; achievement motivation; PhD students
JEL Codes: M12
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To cite this article: Rabhi M., A. Thamri, M. S. Djoual, R. A. Harizi (2023). The contribution of psychological empowerment in enhancing achievement motivation among PhD students. Entrepreneurship, 11 (2), 70-83