The evaluation of innovation criteria in the photovoltaic industry
Imene Azazga |
Hits: 377
European innovation policy in the Bulgarian industrial sector
Georgi Boyanov |
Hits: 283
Brands in the metaverse
Dimitrieska S., A. Bojadzievska-Danevska, E. Stanoevska |
Hits: 444
Digital technologies as an opportunity for business development
Kyurova V., D. Zlateva, B. Koyundzhiyska-Davidkova, R. Vladov, I. Mierlus-Мazilu |
Hits: 391
Influence of corporate culture on social enterprise
Milena Filipova |
Hits: 435
The contribution of psychological empowerment in enhancing achievement motivation among PhD students
Rabhi M., A. Thamri, M. S. Djoual, R. A. Harizi |
Hits: 795