

Rumyana Antova


Over the past few decades, our society has become more and more global. Electronic communication, thanks to the digitization of the majority of processes in society, eliminates distance as a barrier to interpersonal informal and formal communication. Education, regardless of the form of training in which it takes place, will continue to be digitized. It is quite natural that pedagogical communication changes in the direction of greater digitalization. This is not a replacement of the traditional pedagogical methods of communication, it is an enrichment and expansion of the possibilities for its implementation. When activities in all other spheres of economic and social life are digitized and a large part of communication is carried out electronically, education must also is being digitized. What's more, digitization should be first of all there - in education, because it provides the basis for the development of all areas of science, economy, politics.

Keywords: learning; digital environment; pedagogical communication; educational resources

JEL Codes: M10; M150; M530


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To cite this article:  Antova R. (2023). Innovative techniques for communication in digital learning. Entrepreneurship, 11 (1), 31-40 https://doi.org/10.37708/ep.swu.v11i1.3