Anny Atanasova
The result of digitization’s rapid entry in all spheres of the entrepreneurship business is the change of the traditional business functionalities. Companies are starting to implement new business models inherent in the digital environment along with established ones. The digital transformation of the business increases its potential and opportunities for expanding the domestic and foreign markets, facilitates communication with customers, and creates prerequisites for business growth. Digital entrepreneurship is distinguished by some more essential characteristics that outline its essence and reveal its clear advantages. The article aims to reveal the characteristics of digital entrepreneurship in a theoretical and practical aspect.
Digital entrepreneurship is considered in terms of its relationship with the digital economy, the degree of digitization of processes, scope, growth opportunities and access to markets. It is also characterized by the implementation of business without space-time limitations, the continuous introduction of new digital means facilitating communications with customers and counterparties, various business activities and the implementation of new business models. Changes in competition and consumer behavior, as well as the opportunities this entrepreneurship provides for creativity and innovation, are also highlighted as important features. Competition and consumer behavior changes, as well as the opportunities this entrepreneurship provides for creativity and innovation, are also highlighted as important features. The importance of such features as the need to change the mindset of entrepreneurs and customers and special training of human resources to use digital technologies is emphasized.
In a practical aspect for the construction of digital entrepreneurship, the results of an approbation study of some aspects of digital entrepreneurship are presented.
Keywords: digital transformation; digitization; digital entrepreneurship; characteristics
JEL Codes: L20; L26; M19
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To cite this article: Atanasova A. (2022). Characteristics of digital entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship, 10 (2), 7-21 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v10i2.1