Ruska Bozhkova
The paper aims to analyze the re-orientation for the rural tourism destinations in the transborder area between South-West Bulgaria and Northern Greece during the period of COVID-19 pandemic time. The research identifies the effects of COVID-19 in the demand of this sustainable type of tourism including some specific regional sub-types of the rural tourism. The novelty and the contribution brought by this research to the field of tourism studies is based on the research methodology and specifically on the application of criteria regarding the destinations of rural tourism. These criteria have been modified and supplemented so as to include as many dimensions as possible in the examined areas. The used methodology is based on the analysis of in-depth – interviews with managers of tourist enterprises including smaller guest houses, travel agencies and tourist attractions in the region. The conclusions obtained due to the primary data of the research show common trends for the tourism during the times of uncertainties, and especially indicate an increasing re-orientation of tourists when choosing destinations for rural tourism in both regions of South-West Bulgaria and Northern Greece.
Keywords: rural tourism; COVID-19; transborder rural tourism; area Bulgaria-Greece; sustainability
JEL Codes: Q01, Z32, Z30, R11
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To cite this article: Bozhkova R. (2022). Re-orientation for the rural tourism destinations in Bulgaria and Greece as a result of the COVID – 19. Entrepreneurship, 10 (2), 62-69 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v10i2.6