

Milena Filipova

Yulia Nedelcheva


The aim of the article is to assess the competitiveness of pharmaceutical manufacturers. The assessment was carried out for six producers in Bulgaria with largest volume of production. The assessment is based on a model, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators of manufacturers. The answers of 52 respondents from a survey were used to determine the quality indicators of the model. The results of assessment identify quality indicators as leading to manufacturer competitiveness. The competitiveness of the product (ratio of product quality to price) has the greatest weight in assessment the manufacturer competitiveness. The quantitative indicators of the individual producers have similar values and therefore have little effect on the assessment of their competitiveness. The state participates in the assessment of the competitiveness of pharmaceutical manufacturers by determining of pharmaceutical products that price is paid partially by a competent authority.


Keywords: Bulgaria; survey; pharmaceutical products

JEL Codes: D22; I11; L11


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To cite this article: FILIPOVA M., Y. NEDELCHEVA (2022). Assessment of pharmaceutical manufacturers’ competitiveness. Entrepreneurship, 10 (1), 60-67 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v10i1.6