

Konstantinos Goulas


This article is going to present a review of the most influential and mainstream theories about leadership, which are of significant meaning for a successful manager. The author will focus on some leadership theories by giving a more detailed image of the characteristics and attributes that an effective manager should have. The principal message of this article is that it is important to reflect the type of leader that a manager wants to be so that he remains loyal to his principles. In conclusion, the author leads to the fact that the traditional theories of leadership have not provided a completely satisfactory framework for leadership effectiveness. The modern theory emphasizes the image of an effective manager as an organizational reality.


Keywords: leadership theory; entrepreneurship; leader behaviour; relational leadership; transactional

JEL Codes: O15, L26, M12


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To cite this article: GOULAS K. (2022). A review of traditional approaches of studying leadership styles. Entrepreneurship, 10 (1), 50-59 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v10i1.5