

Yevgenia Voronyuk


In the modern world the social responsibility of business to society becomes more and more relevant.  The world trends of socio-economic development demonstrate that businesses need to implement the provisions of social responsibility at the corporate level. This article considers the general architecture of corporate social responsibility strategies (CSRS) of enterprises and their impact on the state of economic security of business. The study focuses on the development of a quality system of economic security of enterprises using CSRS.


Keywords: economic security; social responsibility; organizational support its economic security; security   and   sustainability

JEL Codes: К22, L26, O11


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To cite this article: VORONYUK Y. (2022). Global social responsibility of business as a part of organization of its economic security. Entrepreneurship, 10 (1), 28-38 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v10i1.3