Challenges to the healthcare system in Bulgaria after the occurrence of the coronavirus
Viktoriya Todorova |
Hits: 817
Competitiveness factors of pharmaceutical manufacturer
Milena Filipova, Yulia Nedelcheva |
Hits: 747
Technological future of pharmaceutical industry – development perspectives
Vladimir Boychev |
Hits: 517
Assessment of pharmaceutical manufacturers’ competitiveness
Milena Filipova, Yulia Nedelcheva |
Hits: 478
A review of traditional approaches of studying leadership styles
Konstantinos Goulas |
Hits: 726
Leadership theories review
Victoria Gentsoudi |
Hits: 713
Global social responsibility of business as a part of organization of its economic security
Yevgenia Voronyuk |
Hits: 581
Problems in the promotion of honey and bee products
Savica Dimitrieska, Tanja Efremova |
Hits: 1022
The digital transformation and its impact on small and medium-sized enterprises
Anita Kyurova |
Hits: 858