

Fernando Almeida


This study aims to explore and synthesize the academic entrepreneurship indicators that can be used by university institutions to understand their degree of development and maturities in supporting entrepreneurship processes. To this end, a systematic review is used to characterize the studies published in the last decade, the researchers who have led this research field, the adopted methodologies, and the structure and dimensions of indicators. The results allowed us to identify a set of 29 indicators distributed by 8 dimensions such as patents, university spinoffs, infrastructures, industry engagement, process creativity, process efficiency, process outcomes, and training. This study is innovative in focusing its analysis on academic entrepreneurship indicators. The knowledge of these indicators is relevant from a conceptual and practical perspective and will help universities to improve their technology transfer processes which will serve as a fundamental element in the implementation of the university's third mission.


Keywords: entrepreneurship; technology transfer; third mission; entrepreneurial university; innovation

JEL Codes: L26, O32


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To cite this article: ALMEIDA F. (2021). Systematic review on academic entrepreneurship indicators. Entrepreneurship, 9 (2), 7-22 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v9i2.1