

Gia Zoidze

George Abuselidze



This article discusses the main problems, challenges and peculiarities of monetary policy in Georgia. Analyzes the currency crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic and outlines ways to overcome it. Presents a comparison of the Georgian lari with the most stable currency in the world over the last 100 years (against the dollar). At the end of the publication, given the current reality, some predictions and recommendations are presented. The paper also argues that in order to properly assess and manage currency risks, first of all, it is necessary to properly understand the essence of money, which even today, in the conditions of accelerated economic processes, is not clearly defined. In particular, whether money should be a tool for conducting monetary policy.


Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic; Pandeconomy; Currency Risks; Georgian Lari; US Dollar; Crypto Currency

JEL Codes: F31, G01, H12


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To cite this article: ZOIDZE G., G. ABUSELIDZE (2021). COVID-19 pandemic and currency risk analysis in Georgia. Entrepreneurship, 9 (2), 33-46 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v9i2.3