

Anny Atanasova

Dilyana Yaneva



The processes of globalization and internationalization impose the need to change the traditional thinking and reorganize the strategic corporate governance. An important prerequisite for the strategic development of the modern organizations is the construction of flexible business network structures for intercompany interaction. In this regard, the purpose of the paper is to study the specifics of the business networks and on this basis to justify their role in the process of strategic corporate governance. In connection with the goal realization, the following tasks are solved in the article: presentation of the theoretical bases of the business network organizations; consideration of the development of the theory; identification of their main features; presentation of the network business structure as a system; argumentation of the importance of the business networks for the strategic company development.


Keywords: business networks; network structures; strategic development; strategic management

JEL Codes: M0, M21


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To cite this article: ATANASOVA A., D. YANEVA (2021). Characteristics of business networks and their role for strategic company development. Entrepreneurship, 9 (2), 58-67 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v9i2.5