Philip Ivanov
In the current research, we aim to prove a significant influence of motivation on work outcomes. For doing so, we formulated various kinds of question, with the goal to examine employee motivation. We divided the motivational elements in to six modules for better understanding of the wholly process of motivating the staff. For examining the overall effectives of the motivation in the company at hand, we formulated a so-called match factor, which described the difference between the preferred and applied types of motivation and calculated it for each module separately. We examine its influence on propensity of staying in the company; psychological tension; pride from working in the company; engagement; satisfaction and initiative. The study was held in the form of a survey among N=423 administrative employees in a railway company in Bulgaria. Our results proved a significant influence by the match factor of the motivational modules on the work related outcomes. Hence, proving the influence of motivation on work outcomes.
Keywords: motivation; work outcomes; effectiveness of motivation
JEL Codes: M52, M54
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To cite this article: IVANOV F. (2021). The missmatch between prefered and applied forms of motivation and its influence on some work outcomes. Entrepreneurship, 9 (2), 100-112 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v9i2.8