Vesela Serafimova
Depending on the objective of assessing the competitiveness of wine-producers, different methods can be applied. Methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises in the wine sector may be based on one or several indicators, on one or several parameters. Тhe factors most influencing the competitiveness of wine producers are: terroir, quality and price of wines, productivity, financial stability, growth, innovation, production and marketing flexibility, corporate image, advertising, adaptability to the market, etc. Ranking wine producers based on their competitiveness is essential to properly assess and analyse the state and position of each at a particular point in time, judging the outcomes of past events on this basis and laying a good foundation for planning future efforts. The aim of the article is to study the methods and methodology for analysis and assessment of competitiveness of wine producing enterprises.
Keywords: competitiveness; methods and methodology; wine producers
JEL Codes: P23, Q12, Q13
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To cite this article: SERAFIMOVA V. (2021). Methods and methodology for analysis and assessment of competitiveness of wine producing enterprises. Entrepreneurship, 9 (2), 113-120 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v9i2.9