

Savica Dimitrieska

Tanja Efremova


Companies achieve great benefits when they sell products and services abroad. The advantages of International trade are numerous, such as efficient allocation and better utilization of resources, efficiency in production, increased revenues, more employment, higher market share, longer product lifespan, enhanced reputation, etc. Without a thorough marketing research of the foreign (local) market, as well as the understanding of cultural peculiarities, many companies, even the famous ones, are making mistakes that can jeopardize their business. International marketing blunders are related to poor translations of slogans into a different language, unacceptable product designs, inappropriate or ambiguous brand names, packaging methods, and even the use of colours and visual effects.

For the importance of the colours in International marketing, a research speaks that found that 93% of consumers focus on visual appearance, and close to 85% claim colour is a primary reason when they make a purchase. It is known that the colour can attract attention, can stimulate emotional responses, can influence the perception of individuals, can influence on attitudes formation, improves learning and persuasion of consumers to buy a particular product. Colour affects the human behaviour and the purchasing decision making. As a brand’s identity element, companies must be careful when they use it in the product itself, packaging, product’s logo, slogan, display, name, design, signage. Colour meanings differ dramatically from culture to culture. There are a range of cultural influences that affect the usage of a specific colour: political and historical associations (flag colours, political parties), mythological and religious associations (references to colour in spiritual texts), linguistic associations (idioms and expressions), tradition (weddings, funerals, children birth, graduation), etc.

Keywords: colour; marketing; international marketing; consumers; blunders; marketing research

JEL Codes: M31, M37


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To cite this article: DIMITRIESKA, S., T. EFREMOVA. (2021). Colors in the international marketing. Entrepreneurship, 9 (1), 78-86 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v9i1.7