Emiliya Duneva
The purpose of this study is based on the classification of basic practices and analysis of key issues in building competitive teams of real estate agents. A theoretical overview is made, the possibilities for building effective teams of brokers in direct connection with a long-term strategic management framework, which corresponds to the dynamically changing business environment, are described. Finally, guidelines are outlined to address the problems and challenges facing brokerage teams in real estate agencies. It is concluded that in order to achieve competitiveness in real estate agencies, management must work purposefully and comprehensively to form adequate market behavior of its brokers and optimize customer relations to maintain an adaptive organizational structure and highly productive organization of work, by building and effectively managing competing teams.
Keywords: competing teams; real estate agency; Covid-19
JEL Codes: M10, R30, R393
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To cite this article: DUNEVA, E., (2021). Challenges in building competitive teams for real estate agencies.. Entrepreneurship, 9 (1), 7-19 DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v9i1.1