

Iveta Voleva-Petrova


 This report main aim is to represent and emphasize the market positioning and influence of tourism destinations developing educational tourism. Main research goals are to define the specification of the tourism market, define educational tourism, to identify the specification of the educational tourism market, and also to represent the methodology for positioning and building marketing influence in tourism destination suggested by the author.  The suggested methodology is based on the examined academic literature concerning the positioning of tourist products on the market, the author presents his vision for the main stages for the successful positioning of destinations.



educational tourism, tourism market, positioning, market influence


JEL Codes: I23, Z32, Z33, L11



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To cite this article: VOLEVA-PETROVA, I., (2020) Market positioning and influence of tourist destinations developing educational tourism. Entrepreneurship, 8 (2), 93-103, DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v8i2.9