

Dilyana Yaneva


The development of an effective marketing strategy is the basis for the formation of a reliable marketing policy of the organization. At the same time, the specifics of each individual marketing strategy allows making the right decisions according to the company's goals, resources and opportunities, market situation and consumer requirements. In this regard, the article aims to examine whether Bulgarian companies have developed marketing strategies and how they are perceived by company management. The results of the opinion of Bulgarian managers and business owners are presented on the basis of a survey conducted in 2019.



marketing strategy, types, development, decision-making process


JEL Codes: М10, М30, М31



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To cite this article: YANEVA, D., (2020). Development of marketing strategies in bulgarian enterprises. Entrepreneurship, 8 (2), 86-92, DOI: 10.37708/ep.swu.v8i2.8