Savica Dimitrieska
Tanja Efremova
The combination of a core service and the accompanying number of complementary (additional, supplementary) services in marketing is called the concept of service flower. The flower of services is better looking, flourishing, beautiful, and more attractive when the basic (core) service is surrounded by a variety of additional services. Service companies are looking for ways to offer consumers a more comprehensive and profitable service concept that will convince them to buy services and build long-term loyalty with them. Companies are not altruists, but they do this in order to gain competitive advantage, to increase the number of customers and to make more profit.
The banking sector can attract and retain consumers by providing high quality services. Banks offer a range of banking products and services through various distribution channels, such as Internet banking, M-banking, ATMs, Point of sale terminals, and make efforts to differentiate themselves from market competitors. In such fierce competition, global financial systems are exploring ways to increase customer satisfaction.
Banks play an important role in the financial development and economic growth of each country. That’s why banks must understand the sophisticated demands of consumers and to offer them richer service packages (beautiful flower of services!). In doing so, offering a complex service concept should be a tradition, not a one-off experience.
Banking services, flower of services, core service, supplementary services
JEL Codes: O20
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