

Liana Chernobay
Tetiana Yasinska
Svyatoslav Malibroda


In the article the essence and importance of corporate social responsibility development at enterprises (on the example of the Dutch-British company, which is one of the world leaders in the market of foods and household chemicals) are considered. Article proves that the development of corporate social responsibility influences business success, contributes to improving the image of a company in the community and enhancing its efficiency and competitiveness in the market. This article describes the Unilever background; external conditions which made the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) possible and reasonable; best company's efforts during USLP implementation addressing a few targets simultaneously; effectiveness of the USLP strategy from the standpoint of its main stakeholders; and finally an analysis of the three strategic choices and recommendations and conclusions



corporate social responsibility, stakeholders, development, competitiveness, strategy


JEL Codes: L14, L15, L21, L26, M14



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