

Mariya Stankova
Christos Amoiradis


Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries across the globe. It is a strong contributor to economic development and works towards providing economic and socially sustainable development. However, the number of international tourists is permanently growing. With this circumstances, to sustain the high level of tourist flows, it is required by the destinations to minimize the adverse effect of economic growth. This would enable it to diminish the negative impacts of their economic growth and harness the power of tourism in economy to help see the positive changes. The present paper sheds light on the good practices that have been adopted across the globe to promote tourism destinations and researches the various codes of conduct that can be adopted to promote tourism. Studying the application of environmental protection measures and implementation of environmental management, it analyzes cases from across the globe to highlight sustainable tourist practices.



Tourist destinations; promotion practices; sustainable development


JEL Codes: Q56, O44



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