Athanasios Pardalis
The crisis in the construction projects sector may become permanent. This crisis is characterized by reduced private investments, reduced public investment plans and a significant drop in the turnover of all sectors correlative to construction. Amidst negative developments and bleak future predictions for the entire economy and this sector in particular, financial analysis should be applied and conclusions should be sought with regard to the general course of the construction projects sector, in order to reveal prospects and opportunities. The objective of the current study is to present the general characteristics of the construction projects sector in Greece. The study presents the course of the construction projects activity during the last decade, emphasizing on financial figures and employment data. It includes the number of active businesses, their income and expenses, as well as their profit and damages. The study also shows the course of labor cost. The sector’s prospects in Europe are recorded and conclusions are drawn. All the above can provide constructive data on the planning and future course and development of the construction projects sector in Greece.
Construction projects; Construction; Financial figures; Employment; Construction companies; Prospects
JEL Codes: L74, M10, N64
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