




The present article has two objectives: first, to identify the opportunities for diminishing the share of population at risk of poverty and social exclusion in the new member countries; second, to determine the main factors of affecting the living standard in Bulgaria’s districts. The objectives of the study have been achieved by ordinary least squares regressions of panel data at national and regional level. The share of population at risk of poverty and social exclusion in the new member states is influenced by the value of this indicator in the previous year, the absorption rate of the European funds and the rate of employment. The living standard of the population in Bulgarian districts is affected by per capita fixed assets cost in the previous and in the current period, the per capita foreign direct investment in the previous period and the per capita absorbed European funds in the current period.


funds of the European Union, new member states, poverty and social exclusion, Bulgaria, living standard

JEL Codes: F15, I32


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