




In recent decades tourism has gained considerable size and is constantly expanding its scope of influence worldwide. The data from the past years show unprecedented increase in both travels and revenues, tourism sites and working places. Bulgaria is no exception of the global trends. The actuality of the problem determines the placement of toruism as the main object of study. Subject of analysis in this paper will be economic development and oppurtunites to increase its impact in our country.
The transformation of tourism in the dominant sector in the Bulgarian economy is hampered by the factor of seasonality. Finding effective approaches and mechanisms to overcome it will increase the expansion of the industry, improve the structure of supply and demand will increase employment and salary levelst that will contribute to the sustainable development of tourism in the direction of improving the quality and competitivness. The purpose of this article is based on analysis of the state of tourism to offer effective solutions and guidelines for effective economic development.


tourism, economic development, seasonality, solutions, events

JEL Codes: Е32, P00, R11, L83


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