



The crisis in the construction sector is deep and may become permanent. It is highlighted by the reduction in building permits, the shrinkage of the Public Investments Program, the over 40% discounts (on average) granted in public works, in order to sustain contractor enterprises, the significant drop of structural materials industries and smaller businesses turnover and of course the reduction of their exports.
In a period of negative developments and bleak future predictions for the entire economy and hence the sector, the analysis of the financial course of companies active in it and the reaching of conclusions for the general course of the Construction sector, should be sought in order to reveal co-dependence relations between sectors and prospects or opportunities. The object of the current thesis is the evaluation of the construction sector's financial status in Greece. The analysis provided will allow us to evaluate the development and efficiency of the Construction sector in general.


construction sector, efficiency, analysis

JEL Codes: M10, L74


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