More and more the meaning of life is sought in leisure, situated in close relation with group experiences of joy and joint communications of the persons involved in them. In general, the search for a meaning in life is very important for religious tourists. This worldly wisdom is directed inward to the heart of the worshiper or religious tourist. This means that practicing religious tourism the person communicates with himself. The majority of the few studies in the field of communications and tourism deal with the relationship between visitors and guest-serving residents. The growing importance of intertnet in the life of each of us also influenced the types of communication in the church. For the purpose of the evaluation of the religious tourism communications in South-West Bulgaria a set of criteria and indicators has been chosen. The evaluation of the communication policy in terms of the competitiveness of different religious sites became a subject of study in the last two or three decades.
In summary we can say that the quality of interpersonal communication concerning religious tourism depends on the degree of commercialization. Expressed in another way, this means that a true culture of welcoming guests is possible, and only then, when they are not under economic pressure seeking profit. This fact is of great importance for religious tourism.
Key words
religious travel, religious tourism, communications, cultural studies, evaluation of religious tourism communications in South-West Bulgaria
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