This paper is based on the assumption that the intercultural dialogue is a successful communicative form not only in view of its communicative value, but also in view of the effects resulting from the relationships that derive from it. The intercultural dialogue has an essential role to play in the sphere of international tourism whereby its undeniable positive influence can hardly be treated in a single study or report. This paper focuses on one part of the successful impact due to intercultural dialogue in tourism which becomes clearly manifest through the intercultural competence and the development of intercultural tourist competence, the enhancing intercultural sensitivity in tourism, the improvement of the processes of intercultural adaptation of tourists and the minimization of the impact of culture shock in tourism. These four main effects ensue from a more comprehensive survey in the sphere of recreational tourism in Bulgaria encompassing different target groups of foreign tourists of several nationalities.
intercultural dialogue, tourism, sensitivity, minimization of cultural shock
JEL Codes: Z13, Z32, F60
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