




Nowadays an active process is running for the formation of outlooks on the future of the organization and its adaptation to the changes and this underlies the conceptual bases of the trainee organization. In search of efficiency the prosperous organizations are more and more acquiring characteristics of trainee organizations. Their potential is related to the establishment of conditions that urge the collaborators to organizational training. The main purpose of this article is to make the differentiation between the training leader and the traditional manager, to make a comparative analysis of the characteristics of leadership in the 20th and the 21st centuries, to identify the main styles of leadership and to study the proportion of conceptual, managerial and technological classification of managers at the different levels of management. The major research methods used in this work are content analysis, method of comparison, intuitive and systematic approach, method of analysis and synthesis and inquiry.


trainee organization, organizational training, training leader, traditional manager

JEL Codes: M120



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